Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tyra Banks: Be Your Own CEO - Step 10 - Stay in the know!

Tyra says

Stay in the know! If you want to be successful in a certain field, you have to stay up to date with all
the latest news! I may not model anymore, but I still read all the fashion mags to keep up with the latest trends and news in the biz. When it comes to my businesses, I try to read the newspaper and business magazines whenever I have time. In order to be the CEO of your life you have to know what’s going on in the world, especially when it comes to your work!

1. Subscribe! Get the news sent right to you and save money! It’s way cheaper and more convenient to subscribe to a magazine or newspaper for a year than it is to buy it every day or month. Or go even cheaper and subscribe to your fave news network's e-newsletter and get it sent right to your inbox!

2. Tune in! Don’t have time to read everyday? Instead of wasting your time watching reruns, turn on the news. Whether you watch E! News or CNN, television is a great way to get your daily dose of what’s going on in the world.

3. Log online! Ya’ll know I love Twitter! I follow all kinds of companies and people so I don’t miss a thing.

Action points:
Knowledge is essential in anything we do. I subscribe to various newsletters to inform me about my industry and the world, but do not always get around to reading them. I commit to consistently reading this information in future.

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